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How to improve Child’s Imagination

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Talk and tell poems and stories to your child

Buy good children’s books that contain the best stories and poems for children and read these out to your child. Make up stories about things your child likes and encourage her to make up her own or contribute details to yours. Story telling is the cornerstone of imaginative development and it also provides a great opportunity for connecting with your child. As your child listens to you and looks at the illustrations in the book, she develops her imagination, creativity and literacy skills. She also becomes interested in reading and in words as she grows older.



Engage your child in arts and crafts

Creating art projects is another way to develop imagination, whether it’s coloring, painting, molding or building. Provide age-appropriate art and craft materials such as pencils, pens, papers, crayons, water color, brushes, color pencils, markers, scissors and many more to help your child draw, write and express his or her imagination. Let kids build their own creations and encourage kids to create their own vision, such as robots from used boxes and toilet-paper rolls or silly faces from cut-out shapes. This will encourage him or her to continue using her creativity and imagination skills.



Limit screen time

Watching television, playing video games and spending too much time on the computer curtail your child’s imagination by making up the story for them instead of letting them imagine worlds and outcomes of their own. Screen time also encourages kids to be passive, which is unhealthy for mind and body you don’t have to cut out TV altogether, however. Sometimes pretending to be their favorite characters can help kids’ imaginations blossom. Try to cut screen time down to one or two hours per day.



Introduce your child to writing

When your child is of school age, introduce him or her to writing. You can start by showing your child a picture and asking him or she to describe what he or she sees in the picture and what he or she feels upon seeing it. Encourage him or her to write down his or her thoughts whenever he or she wants to express something.



For the Love of Reading

Inculcating the habit of reading books is one of the best things you can do for your child’s academic performance. Besides boosting his language skills and general knowledge levels, reading can also develop your child’s imagination and creativity. Just cuddle up with a book with your child for a few minutes every day and enjoy your lovely family reading time together.



Choose the right toys

Children love toy figures of all types they invent stories about. They learn that a story have beginnings, middles, and endings and flow in a sequence those crescendos in a climax and then has some resolution. Role-play toys allow kids to play make-believe, such as playing mommy with a doll, cooking dinner in a play kitchen or building a house with a tool set, offers Kids Health. What a remarkable learning experience, so different from being taught this directly in the classroom.



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